HENRY AND MUDGE and the Tall Tree House

Uncle Jack has built Henry a tree house. Henry loves tree houses,
but his dog, Mudge, can't climb tree and enter the tree houses. So Jack was unhappy. He climb down from the tree, and kiss and hug Mudge again and again because he want to share the happiness with him.

I became so happy, when I read this book. I was moved by their strong bond. If I were him, I would want to share happiness and joyous with my best friend.


burly: 体の大きい


画像検索結果Rylant, C. (2002). Henry and mudge and the tall tree house. New York, NY: Simon Spotlight


  1. This is a dangerous!!!!
    Run away fast!!!!!!!

  2. Don't forget to start your reviews with a quotation from the book. That is a good way for you to learn some simple and correct sentences.

    I would want to share happiness and joyous with my best friend.
    I would want to share happiness and joy with my best friend.

    He climb down
    He climbs down




Les Mise'rables