The Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time, there lived three little pigs. One day, they decided to built their own houses because the wolf loved to eat little pigs. The first pig built a cozy house of straw, and the second little pig built a cozy house of sticks. So their houses were destroyed by the wolf's huffing.
However the third pig built a cozy house of bricks, they can be alive safely. The wolf never come their bricks house.
「the three little pigs  SCHOLASTIC」の画像検索結果


cozy: 居心地の良い
huff: フーフーと吹く


Findley, V. (2006). The Three Little Pigs. New York, NY: Scholastic.


  1. they decided to built
    they decided to build

    the wolf loved to to eat little pigs
    the wolf loved to eat little pigs




Les Mise'rables

HENRY AND MUDGE and the Tall Tree House